What was the weather on your birthday last year? How many calories in a slice of pizza? What are the health guidelines by weight/age?
Unlike a conventional search engine this special place generates output by doing computations from its own internal knowledge base, instead of searching the web and returning links.
You can get and create statistics in many categories – just a few for example: Socioeconomic Data, Weather, Health & Medicine, Food & Nutrition, Culture & Media, People & History, Organizations, Sports & Games, plus many that are even more exotic.
In short, if you are a numbers genius or just what someone to think you are, this is the place to go.
How can I get started with Wolfram|Alpha?
Just got to http://www.wolframalpha.com/
The Wolfram|Alpha home page has several resources, including the one-page summary, Stephen Wolfram’s introduction screencast to New to Wolfram|Alpha sidebar.
Oh yes, there’s no cost to get your stats here!
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